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I really want to live GIVING IT ALL BACK TO YOU!! |
Happy Good One! THANKS GOD!
You may wonder why I say that all the time, since they are not really complete sentences and sound a little silly! My dad use to say those two sentences ALL the time!! Regardless of what he was going through. He also used to always say "mek had khatch hane'" which means not literal translation, but it means before you do anything, say a prayer. March 23rd, 2010, my dad passed away. My dad may not have been the most perfect dad. Heck! Who really is the perfect parent?!?!?! I know I am not the perfect parent, I may not bake, not a good cook, on time all the time, oh and the list goes ON AND ON! However, I know that I love my son and my love is unconditional and I parent to the best of my ability. One thing I absolutely know for certain, about my dad is that he loved his family, loved my mom, but most importantly, was a God fearing, God loving man. Regardless of how terrible he felt, if you asked how he was feeling, he would always say "thanks God,!" Looking up, and being grateful.
This evening on my walk, I was thinking about the few months preceding my dad's passing. My Colonel was deployed, I had only been with my employer for 6 months, my miracle boy was only 6 years old. My mom had the burden of trying to take care of all of us, work full time and to be the full time care-taker for my dad. She is the strongest woman I know. She didn't want to lose her job, so she would still work at the care center and when she was home, her tiny little frame would lift my dad in and out of bed to get him to his radiation treatments, change him, bathe him, be his nurse. She was always worried she was going to hurt him or not give enough of herself. Even though she would never admit it, you could see fear in her eyes and her strength slowly being depleted. She kept on going, never complaining. Always hopeful! Always prayerful!
We knew it was almost time from the hospice care that the time was quickly approaching. The night he passed my siblings and I were gathered at my parent's home. My Colonel was going to request a leave, but this deployment was a challenging one for both of my boys. He was only two months away from being home permanently, and I didn't want to see both of their hearts broken to see each other for a brief period and have to be apart again. So, I asked if he would please stay where he was and come home when his time was up. The night of my dad's passing, he kept on fighting and hanging on, we thought there was still unfinished business. My colonel called late that night and told him we were all going to be ok, he would take care of my miracle boy, me and my mom. After that call, I needed to go home and pick up miracle boy from my awesome neighbors who were watching him. As soon as I drove away, my brother (the older one) called to say my dad had passed. I was sad that he was no longer on this earth, but so happy for my dad knowing that he was in heaven!! Knowing that he was no longer in pain. Knowing he was no longer suffering.
Honestly, I am not even sure why I am sharing all this with you?!?! But I think it's because I want to share with you God's faithfulness. God was always with me getting through this time, he was faithful to me then and he is faithful always! The more we trust in him, the easier it is to get through some of the really tough stuff we go through in life. Just because we have faith, doesn't mean our life is going to be easy!! It does however mean we all have HOPE! We can do tough with God on our side!
I hear people setting big goals for success!! They want to be mega something!! Make money, be mega status, you name it! If there is anything MEGA I want to become is to give it all back to GOD in a MEGA WAY!! Anything I have ever achieved in my life is NOT because of me but because of HIM and what he has done! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRsl2slaDLw (click the link)That's why I love this song! I can NEVER say enough to THANK YOU!"
This song is also another one worth listening to!! Please take a minute to check it out and let's not get too busy and let's not take for granted all the blessing already in our lives!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1mMgPA0iJE&sns=fb (Click the link to hear)"Every Good Thing"
I hope the best for you! I hope we never take for granted all the good things in our lives!
Happy Good one! Thanks God you are in my life!
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Please I am just trying to make some monay so don't delete it please!
Thank you!
Excellent post.
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God told me to remind you to delete this blog as you have lost your faith.