Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Press On! Shock and awe!

Good morning my beautiful friends and family!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of the year!  Regardless of what state, city or country you are in, you are likely experiencing a change of season!  Isn't that what life and relationships are all about?  Seasons change, especially in Utah!  LOL!  You can go from 94 degrees one day to 55 another.  That's the beauty of it all, life is about change, challenges, love, laughter, growth, JOY and everything in between!  I hope you are making the most of all of the seasons!

Today's blog is about the everything in between.  ;)  

In 2005, I was home one Saturday morning, I thought I heard a phone ring, but it wasn't a phone in the house. Most of you know my hearing isn't so awesome.  I found it surprising that with the windows and doors closed, I was hearing the phone of my neighbors ring.  I just went on my way and brushed it off.  That night, we were getting ready for bed and we heard that noise again.  My Rock said what is that noise??  I said I heard it earlier, I couldn't figure out what it is!  A minute later "Rock" pointed at my defibrillator and said "IT'S YOU"  HAHAHAHA!  I said WHAT?  He said I think it's your defibrillator ringing!  It seriously was the funniest ever!  So, we googled Guidant and learned that my "battery" needed to be replaced.  Replacing a battery means taking out the entire device and replacing it with a new one.  While they do that, they test if the device is working so they purposely stop your heart and make sure it works.  Fortunately, it worked :)  It's an outpatient procedure believe it or not.  Modern technology!  My first surgeon did an amazing job with the incision, this second one, not so great!  The scar was a lot larger and not as pretty.  (if there is such a thing)

Shortly after, my ROCK was deployed.  I knew everything was going to be fine at home and with his deployment.  I did however always worry "what if something happened to me when I was alone with My miracle boy."  He was still so young, he would have no idea what to do.  Lucky for me, it wasn't often that thought came in my mind.  Even luckier, it never happened while he was deployed.  Again, denial has been good to me.

If you know anything about the real estate market, or the economy of our nation and perhaps our country in 2007-2008, you know this was not the best of times!!  I had an "episode", it's what I always called my cardiac arrests.  One morning I was in the shower, and felt something wasn't right.  I finished quickly and got out and it was then I had my first "SHOCK"!  They say that a shock is like a horse kicking you in the chest then the pain goes away.  Yes, that is true, but for me it always followed with a cry!  A thought of WHY?  WHY NOW?  Once that cry was over, it was time to move on.  That particular morning was our sales meeting morning.  So, I put my big girl panties on and conducted the sales meeting.  Sometimes I think God keeps me so busy that I don't dwell on anything too long.  The show must go on!  

This kept on happening during this time.  I was fortunate enough that nobody saw, I was able to not have any of my "episodes" in front of My Miracle Boy, My Rock or my Mom!  Or anyone else for that matter.  On all these occasions, my defibrillator didn't shock, my heart just started again.  Finally on a Sunday as we were getting ready for church, I had an "episode", this time however, I fell and ROCK was there with me.  He finally said, time to go to the hospital.  I went to emergency that morning, and as soon as you tell them you just had a cardiac arrest, they look at you quickly!  The common response I ALWAYS got was "You're too young and to healthy to have a cardiac arrest".   I sometimes would explain, and sometimes didn't and this time I said, "yup, that's what I tell my doctors too. They observed and I was released early enough the next morning to once again to conduct sales meeting. "Nothing going on here" :) Luckily, in the emergency room that day, was  a rhythm doc who knew what he was looking for etc.  Thanks to the timing of him being on the floor, he knew we needed to get rid of those extra shocks.  I was soon scheduled to have an ablation.  An ablation is when they ablate the extra electric rhythms causing the extra funky beats.  I was not only experiencing my irregular rhythms, but also I would get some funky rhythms.  I always knew I had great rhythm! LOL 

So, here is another Claire funny for you!  In 2012, I went to visit my rhythm docs because it seemed like it was time again to change batteries, I wanted to make sure we were ready with flex saving etc. :) All the details.  This was in November sometime.  They told me my battery had actually been out since August and it needed to be replaced.  We had a trip to Columbia that December and if I did have the surgery, I wouldn't be able to get in the ocean.  SOOOO, I told them "you know, if God wanted me to be up in heaven already, it would've happened already"  after all he is the one in control.  I delayed the new defibrillator,   So, some think I have too much faith and I make dumb decisions, I say, maybe I am, but I have FAITH and will always TRUST, it's not my time, it's his time.  I scheduled my surgery January 10th of the following year.  This information somehow leaked in my office and for Christmas that year, I got a car battery charger!  Best gift I received that year!  It was too funny!  

At this time, "ROCK" was the only one that had experienced one of my episodes.  a couple of years later, my mom and I were in the WAL-MART parking lot (enough to make anyone have cardiac arrest).  I was putting the cart away and knew something was about to go down.  I turned to get my mom's attention and next thing I know, I was the one that was down on the ground with people around me, including my mom.  I got in my car and drove home and promised my mom I would call my doctors first thing in the morning.  This time, I had to get on new rhythm medication.  This was a medication that needed to be started in the hospital.  My "ROCK" was out of town that week for business.  My Miracle and I were a team alone that week.  So, I talked them into allowing me to come in on Saturday and start it over the weekend.  Of course, so I could conduct my sales meeting on Monday!

LOL!  I am seeing a patterns here, go in on weekends, start Monday morning with Sales Meeting.  This is pretty good after all these years I am realizing this!  I also got the call that would change my life and give me a second chance, the call for my transplant on Saturday morning at 5:00 am!  What a realization.  God's way of allowing me to do what I love to do on week days!  

I am sure I missed a lot of other detail, but I think this is a lot of reading for people like me who don't have the attention span to read a lot of details.

MUSIC to PRESS on Below!  It's songs like this that help me just keep going!


I hope you are not bored with this much detail.  I wasn't sure if this was something that would be helpful or just plain too much!  

I hope you have an awesome week!  Enjoy EVERY season.  Even the tough seasons are here for a reason.  Don't fight it, don't pray that it goes away, pray that God will carry you, give you strength, patience and comfort you during the tough season.

Love you all!  Until next time!


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