Thursday, September 29, 2016


This is January 30, 2016...The day that was almost THE END!  Thanks God for a 2nd Chance at Life!  Yellowstone National Park!

Hi wonderful friends and family!  I really want to thank you for joining me on this journey! I also want to thank the ANGELS that God placed in my life at the right time that made the last four months easier.  You know who you are and I am grateful to you!

May 21, 2016
I'm at the gym this morning standing on the treadmill not pushing hard just 4.0 mph no hills, not going to beat myself up.  Gotta take care of myself, but stay alive till THE BIG DAY!  I've gotta make this heart last a while longer.  I look around and think about my last month.  I've had a heart cath, a liver biopsy, a VO2 test, an echo, an X-ray, Biles of blood drawn, a CT, several imaging tests done on my heart and my liver, doing a stool card,  I have GOT to tell you that was the worst of all the tests in my opinion!!  They ALMOST told me I had to do it again because "THEY LOST IT"  Are you kidding me?!  How do you loose stool cards?  I almost said Nope!  Not going to happen!!" Luckily, they found it, a TB test, talked to a nutritionist, sociologist, several nurses and docs, signed consent forms on a procedure that is going to change my life, working my full time job trying to be a mom and a wife and not miss anything in between. Always trying my best to make sure nobody knows what is going on in my life (NOTHING GOING ON HERE, CARRY ON!)  I then wonder does anyone know what I've done this last month?  Would anyone in this gym know I am on a heart transplant list?  WOuld any of my friends or relatives know?

Then I think hell, do I know what is going on in other people?  Do I know what they have been through in the last month?  Do I really know what goes on behind closed doors and inside their head?  We all have a story!  We don't wear a sign on our forehead that says, THIS IS MY STORY!  Would there be more empathy and sympathy towards one another? Or would anyone act different at all?  I've always wanted my super power to be to read people's minds, but I don't think I could do it without having the power to heal the pain of those whose mind I read. We all have struggles we all work to keep going. I praise God for his faithfulness, I praise God for always knowing what I'm going through and what every one of us is going through even if nobody else does.  I praise God for calming my fears, my nerves and easing my weaknesses.

More to come next time!  Thank you again for joining me on my journey! May God work through YOU!  Shine your light! Be the light in someone else's life!  

The weekend is almost here, remember to always tell those you love how much you LOVE THEM, take the time to take care of yourself instead of "being busy"  ENJOY the moment!

Love you all!


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